The Vent

Don't know which is more disgusting and annoying, all the dinnertime commercials on diseased bodily functions or the political ads. Think I would rather hear about nausea, dark urine or convulsions. At least they are factually based.

I feel really sorry for people that determine their self-worth by what car they drive.

Response to "Someone should develop the technology whereby early voters could opt out of the ad nauseum political ads on their TVs," They did. It's called a DVR.

I sure am glad I took advantage of early voting last Tuesday and Wednesday.

I'll be glad when the election is over so that the newscasters won't be so biased!

Georgia is last in education, last in unemployment, last in opportunity and last in economic development. Yet today we will vote for the same inept crooks again!

Now that we set our clocks back, is Hump Day still on Wednesday?

The statement (you wouldn't treat a dog like that) tells me a lot about our society.

I saw yet another horrible accident at the same dangerous intersection that I had an accident at two years ago!

It's amazing how much this election sounds like the election of 1800.

People have decried the loss of morals over the passage of time for centuries. Others have delighted in the enlightenment of the human species. Fill your glass; don't empty it.

So we have snow flurries, to cap off the hottest worldwide summer on record. And how does that disprove global warming?

Every cold snap, some idiot makes a joke about global warming. These are the same people who think it's fine for future generations to pay for stupid wars.

Alleging that cold weather debunks global warming is moronic. Moron.