I remember when the only TV I watched was with my family since we only had one TV and Daddy always got to pick the shows. I was his remote control.
Some people, with baby on board stickers on their car windows, sure do not drive like it.
It's a shame that Beverly Hall will never be tried for her crimes. She will delay a trial till she passes, thereby never being convicted.
At least Christmas ads are upbeat. They don't just endlessly keep telling you that the elves are jerks.
Dark at 5:30 p.m. I don't like Daylight Wasting Time.
Robert Frost on the 2014 election: Half the people have something to say, and can't; the other half has nothing to say and won't stop saying it.
Cancer, in general, gets plenty of publicity. It's the other diseases that are virtually ignored.
There was a time, no one would even discuss breast cancer. So I'm glad the Save the Ta-Tas campaign is working!
Cobb County won't spend any money to tie into MARTA in a meaningful way, but will build a bridge to the new Braves facility. That's a GREAT use of tax dollars!
I wish I had to be quarantined. It would be nice to sleep in for a week.
Painters wear white coveralls because they're proud of their skills. Color paints show a hard working painter. Dark overalls with white paint — same thing.
If you want other cancers to get publicity, start a fundraiser/fund drive.
Math is so useless, we don't need common core! We can get along just fine with our minimum wage jobs while the world uses us to assemble their stuff.
That's it, I'm moving to another state. One that isn't so darn RED!
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