It's so nice not hearing political ads on the television anymore!

To all of you inconsiderate, self-centered morons who stand up during sporting events and concerts: The people behind you whose view is blocked paid good money for a SEAT, not SOR. How incredibly uncivilized!

According to Wednesday's Vent Georgia is last in everything so why do people keep moving here?

Funny how Brookhaven said that the Pink Pony couldn't just approach them and offer them money to stay in Brookhaven. And what does the Pink Pony have to do to stay? PAY!

Of course the Pink Pony and Brookhaven reached a compromise. "We're outraged and will remain so until some of your filthy lucre goes in our pockets."

I'm giddy over the election results!

Why do cops pull over a guy going 100? Because going 5 mph faster than everyone else makes him stand out.

Now that the election is over, I guess we will all live better lives once the promises are kept.

Election is over and once again we have the best politicians money can buy.

If things keep going on like they are I'll cash in my 401(k) and spend it now and live off the government when I am old.

Maybe Perdue can convince Congress to outsource itself so something meaningful will get done.

I feel sorry for those people who determine their self worth based on their success.

I think it will be fun to be in the loyal opposition.

Ignorance, gullibility and deception wins out over common sense and facts again. Way to go, voters, now reap what you've sown.

My congratulations to Jason Carter and Michelle Nunn for running such fine races. I admire both of them for their willingness to challenge Georgia conservatism with their promises of a better world to come. I hope we will see both of them gain political office in the near future.

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On the steps of City Hall on Fed. 17, 2025 Atlanta's Inspector General Shannon Manigault announces she will resign after nearly a year-long feud with the Dickens administration over how much power the watchdog office has. (Riley Bunch/

Credit: Riley Bunch/