Please TV stations. Stop those darn logos at the bottom of the screen! We know you already!
Every week comes news of another local commissioner, council person or other public figure caught on the take. Does anyone out there have any ethics? Appears not.
If you are against term limits, you are either in Congress or you are not paying attention.
How could they have a 70-car pile-up in Maine. I thought they knew how to drive in snow and on ice?
I wonder if state elected officials don't understand the irony of complaining about federal intrusion into the states, when they seem to have no problem meddling with local decisions they don't like.
I'm old, so please tell me - if I ask you a yes or no question and your answer starts with "yeah, no, I mean," what exactly is your answer?
Can we fast-forward through winter?
You gals should have started that equal wage thing back in the day when men got paid decent wages.
Congratulations PepsiCo. Your ad in memory of Donald Keough was a class act.
I sure am glad I gave my wife a snow shovel for Christmas!
I agree with the selfish school bus driver vent. I see the same DeKalb County school bus driver illegally cut through a gas station to avoid waiting for a left turn light onto Buford Highway almost every morning.
Get ready for rusty cars now that we have those brine salt trucks.
Paying in order to "have the right" to buy a Falcons season ticket is nothing new. It has been done for years and years in order to purchase college football season tickets and they call it a "donation."
Term limits might help but the real solution is to get big money out of politics. How about kicking all the lobbyists to the curb and maybe have federally funded elections. The Koch brothers and other big money would have to find new hobbies.
Georgia has been a good place for those of us retired. But, soon it could change thanks to our governor's decision to push for lower income tax and higher sales tax.
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