Ummm, DeKalb Police Chief, your county is in the news everyday for killings and you're trying to assist with restoring peace in Baltimore? Take care of your own porch before someone else's!

We cannot afford to have government assistance as a career choice. Welfare should be painful enough that no able-bodied person would want it.

Liberals are following the lead from Harry Reid, George Soros, Tom Steyer and the labor unions to chant Koch, Koch while pretending their own puppet masters are invisible. And liberal media laps it up.

Speaking for the Baltimore Mom that got her child off the streets, its a real shame that there wasn't a lot more moms out there doing the same thing. You go mom!

Race did not shape the cheating scandal. Money did.

I've traveled the world over and I can tell you, there's no other country on this planet better to be in than the USA.

To the folks who bash the Baltimore Mom who smacked and dragged her son away from throwing rocks at police – calling it "child abuse." He's not a child – he's 16 – and she probably saved him from being arrested at best. GO MOM!

Martin Luther King was quoted as saying that "the limitation of riots, moral questions aside, is that they cannot win and their participants know it. Hence, rioting is not revolutionary but reactionary because it invites defeat. It involves an emotional catharsis, but it must be followed by a sense of futility. " The people in Baltimore and other places should remember the words of a great leader.

Under slightly different circumstances Mama's discipline police would have arrested her for child abuse.

The Baltimore rioters are not reading The Vent. Nor are presidential candidates. I doubt welfare recipients do either.

Do you really believe that everyone who opposes abortion also opposes contraception? Are you that ignorant? Only a tiny percentage do so!

To my liberal/Democratic friends: just because you disagree with my opinion and what I say, doesn't make it hate speech.