It is no wonder so many residents of Fulton County want out. Our Tax Commissioner and election system are both a mess.

Law enforcement needs to put Jodi Arias and Casey Anthony in a padded cell together and see which one survives. Hope fully neither.

Glad to see that Dale Russell (Fox 5 TV) was able to make the arrogant Douglas County D.A. (McDade) sweat. He wasn’t so cool being on the defensive end of the questions!

All the fees at airlines are making STAY-captions more and more popular. Instead of Up, Up and Away it’s “Charge High and watch them Stay.”

Irony, just as marriage equality emerges, taxes on married couples increases.

Those tax relief ads really make my blood boil. Even if there is a sliver of truth, getting relief from paying taxes you owe is criminal.

Loud music blasting out from cars is a form of aggression—mostly by immature males of all ages. It’s better than being shot at.

Nope: Time for the Union to be disbanded, altogether! That, and closing Washington politics for a while, will make a dent in the national crime scene!

Wow - look at the gas prices flying up - time for someone to stand up and thump their chest and tell those “rich” oil companies he’s going to raise their taxes to cover their excess profits if prices don’t come down!

Show me a perfect country and will show you a dog that meows instead of bark.

No matter what your field or occupation, if you enjoy reasonable pay and benefits, you have the past efforts of American labor unions to thank.