When the heck did cupcakes in the grocery store become a dollar each?
The chokehold death was outrageous and unnecessary - regardless of race.
Nebraska fires a guy that has a 9-3 record the last three years so they can hire a guy that has gone 7-5, and 5-7 the last two years! DUH! Not to mention he coached in the Pac Cup Cake league!
Marsala has been proclaimed the new "it" color for 2015. For us everyday folks, that's a reddish terra cotta color. I think it ought to stay on clay pots and not in fashion and make-up.
I am not fat! I am over-proteined and under metabolized.
I really want to support our police officers but the few really bad apples make them all look bad.
I'd love to see Georgia Southern try to beat "all the other teams invited to a bowl game." Get real.
Concerning those actors that are having babies out of wedlock. Number one, they are adults, not teenagers. Number two, they are not responsible for the morality of your child.
I know the police have a dangerous job but they chose this profession. No one held a gun to their heads. If you can't handle the danger and apply the laws of the land equal without bias, quit the job.
As a native Georgian, two things I'm sick of hearing about — the Civil War and Herschel Walker.
Cell phones don't distract any more than billboards do. Can you imagine our Nanny legislators outlawing billboards?! Not in a billion years.
Will the Obama haters now acknowledge that the sharp drop in gas prices happened on his watch? And is due to increased USA oil production. And drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge wasn't necessary.
Let me ask a question: Do you really think a cell phone conversation is more distracting than a conversation with a passenger in your car? If anything, you don't take time to look at the person on the other end of your phone conversation, but no one is talking about banning passengers in cars.
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