Congress is just ripping off us Americans. Their main objective is to make themselves richer, get permanent health care, after serving 5 years, and keep everything in an uproar so nothing gets done.

For all the "Hearings" going on in Congress, no one is doing any listening!

How about "The Streetcar Named Disaster" because it is wrecking businesses in that area. No access or parking.

The Fulton County Tax Commissioner has proven once again that greed has no limits.

Every time my computer gets "upgraded," it's messed up for weeks.

I used to be able to deal with the IRS who followed the law. Now they are pursuing a political agenda.

So, if new company insurance w/ family equals out to 3/4 of your bi-weekly pay check. When does it become affordable, and who's pay check are they basing this on?

The Bahamas have no income tax and use the consumption tax called a tariff. Most own their own homes outright have boats personal water crafts cars and golf carts. The Bahamian government is not hurting for money either.

The Jekyll Island Authority will not be happy until the island is 100% concrete.

Network night time "drama shows" are nothing but glorified soap operas.

Have you ever wondered how much money takes in for products? You sign up for the huge cash prize payment and then the latest I got more in the mail under the pretense that they are transferring the funds. I shredded mine-how about yours?