Sorry, but I think three teenagers sitting in a car in the grocery store parking lot with the windows down are not exactly something to call 911 over. And not everyone is a child molester.

Why do atheists get so wound up over something they do not believe in?

She wasn't looking for kids, she was looking for cars to break into. DUH!

A really good friend is someone who isn't afraid to tell you what you need to hear instead of what you want to hear.

Delta and Southwest, go ahead and jack up your fares. It's such a hassle to fly that I now just drive to save time.

Hank Williams and Roy Acuff would roll over in their graves if they heard the new so called country music now.

Hollywood leaves town the day the subsidies and freebies end, so let's not let Georgia's economy get too star struck.

If all the shops in downtown Atlanta gave their stuff away for free, I still wouldn't shop there!

Get the officer's car number and report it to the sheriff/chief.

Everyone hates lawyers until they need one.

The Navy Seal mentioned Ventura in many media interviews, that is why he was sued for slander long before he died. I am glad to support our veterans but that doesn't give them a free pass to do whatever they please.

Grammar. Oh the irony of someone complaining about the grammer and spelling police.

Nope, these days law enforcement is nothing but a bunch of bubba wannabes who couldn't hack it in the military.

Thank you Georgia Board of Regents! Because of your decision to "consolidate" SPSU and Kennesaw, my graduation has been delayed.

Who dresses Nick Cannon for AGT? Last week he looked like Grandma's couch, this week he is Mr. Grape, from the Fruit of the Loom ads!

I think this week is when the good venters are on vacation..

"Wagon Wheel" is a catchy tune, good music, but the lyrics make no sense. Wagon wheels don't rock, they roll. Drives me nuts every time I hear it!

A Vent that contains facts about President Obama receives 722 negative votes. You might not like the truth, but it is still the truth.

The Vent at the bottom Tuesday just shows that the Greedy Old Party can't stand the truth. They wanted Obama to fail, not do as well as he did with the vicious opposition he faced.