There shouldn't be any "career" politicians. Single-term limits for everyone would solve many of our problems.

Good news: I finally got my computer connected to the wireless printer. Bad news: not sure which house I need to go to get my documents.

A lot of people with money do not look down on those who have less, but use their money to help others.

If the only way you can tell that a person is a Christian is because they tell you they are, then they're not.

If you want to see the fruits of socialism, look to Venezuela.

If you're a male going around hugging females that don't want to be hugged, I'd say you might have something else on your mind!

It's not against the law to yell "fire" in a crowded theater if it's on fire.

Why complain about Coca-Cola donating to the Philippines? You say the poor here in America are just takers and want free stuff.

Remember when getting a job required a decent resume, a meeting of responsible people and an interview? Why does it now take a month to get hired when your company has a HELP WANTED ad on the web?

Protests by prominent conservative voices to the pope's "Marxism" based on his advocacy for the poor (especially during the Christmas season) shows what they really worship: wealth.

A&E is just protecting its brand. It has nothing to do with freedom of speech.

FOX news is an entertainment network, not a news gathering organization.

There are a lot more Obama bumper stickers than there are Romney or Bush bumper stickers.