I see where an 89-year-old WWII vet went back to high school and just graduated. The sad thing is that he'll probably never find a job.

I wish we had a forward thinking governor instead of the "far weird" looking Deal.

There is a group that has set up in a strip mall with a sign outside that says they are the US Post Office. They are taking your packages, supposedly to mail, but I think they are really just keeping all the stuff.

Always a rotten apple in the bunch. Take the Duggers for example.

In Baltimore the grand jury members just rubber stamps what the DA wants, that does NOT mean they're guilty.

The DA in Baltimore is doing OK so far. The Grand Jury brought indictments against all six charged. That wasn't a slam dunk when you're talking about police committing crimes.

Can you say Waka Flocka five times fast?

If climate change is a greater threat to national security than Iran, China, Russia and ISIS, I'm living in an alternative universe.

I get all of my news from The Onion.

Sometimes I wonder what Dr. Ben Carson thinks about all of this.

The Duggars will go out, marry and raise families – families with dark, dark secrets.

Somebody started drinking early today. Remember, mixing that stuff with your oxycontin isn't a good idea.