Hang up the phone and drive idiots, you clearly can't do both.
You don't like the fines and add-on charges for DUI? Don't drive while drunk. You want to avoid the child support "trap"? Keep your pants zipped up.
Speaking of misguided priorities, why do people put a $3,000 set of rims on a $300 car?
Way too many people are 'poor' because they put luxuries ahead of basic necessities. Just compare the cars people drive to the food bank with the ones the volunteers drive. Also note the fancy electronics devices they seem addicted to. Then consider government welfare is a lot easier to scam.
Not if, but when, our economic house of cards collapses, a lot of people are going to see the results of their complacency.
I know a father that got himself fired so he did not have to pay child support. His ex-wife raised three children and so far has put one through nursing school.
This is the vent. You don't need to write a book.
It is not that we do not care about other people, it is that we are going to take care of our own families first!
My wife and I just cashed in over $500 of our credit card rewards which is a better return than passbook savings. Of course to make it work we pay our bills in full every month by auto-pay.
How many Atlanta politicians does it take to get educated in Toronto? Answer: 100 ROFL
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