The only feelings Congress is afraid of hurting is the impact on their bank accounts.

If someone serves in the military, they deserve our respect! I don't care which political party they are from.

So 9 out of 10 illegal immigrants don't show up for their hearing. They just disappear. Gosh, didn't see that coming did we?

Did Rand Paul fall off the map or what?

How ironic – Georgia's Republican congressmen fight tooth and nail for the Keystone Pipeline while opposing a pipeline in Georgia.

We have too much government intervention if it can decide that I have too many cars in my own personal driveway that I paid for and that I maintain, also that I pay taxes on.

Supreme Court Justices were established to be appointed for life to avoid just the sort of reactionary criticisms by mobs of cry babies because they didn't like a particular decision. Voting for justices would throw them into the type of sordid mess we're seeing now with presidential elections.

Military training is a great experience but not everyone who went through it is qualified for every job automatically!

Can't understand why the city of Atlanta is so consumed with a property in DeKalb County. Don't they have enough of their own problems to deal with?

It's really hot this July, and that's the uncomfortable truth.

The only problem with term limits for Congress is Congress has to pass the bill limiting their own jobs. Don't see that happening any time soon.

Everybody at CNN is going crazy today because Trump is still leading in the polls. They are so used to spin from politicians they can't comprehend what is happening.

Liberals don't have to bash Fox "News". When a news service wonders why something can't be done about sharks in the ocean, it kind of speaks for itself.