At Mayor Reed's news conference a dozen or more people are standing behind him. Don't these people have work to do? Does it really take a village to talk to the press?

Kathy Griffin isn't even one-tenth as funny as she thinks she is.

So college freshmen read at the competence level of a 7th grader. Not surprised. But if you could measure it, that generation is bursting to the brim with self-esteem! Great job parents and teachers!

What's really sad is that your 30 year old healthy educated man who was relying on a weekly allowance from his father is a Princeton grad!

We always thought we had low crime in Peachtree City but if our chief of police sleeps with a gun in his bed maybe he knows something we don't!

Deliberate ignorance is no excuse.

The recent Dr. Phil programs indicate that he is striving to become another Jerry Springer.

Whatever you do, don't grow old in the USA unless you are rich. It will get very ugly.

This week Congress started with a ten percent approval rating. Luckily after electing John Boehner as speaker again, the number sank to eight.

Yes, you do need bread and milk. Remember Icemageddon 2014 always!

I don't want gun owners to lose their rights, I want them to exercise their rights safely and with insurance. Clearly that's not happening.

Top of the Vent is for idealists, the bottom is for the realists.