Sometimes I wonder if road engineers ever travel on the roadways they designed.
Where do these marketing people get their degrees that think people will buy anything being sold by telemarketers on the phone? Totally ignoring the do-not-call list. Never!
Who is Kim Kardashian? I mean, really!
Have you noticed that people on cell phones have a disability? They can't use turn signals. So there goes multitasking.
You old timers probably remember the Gabor sisters, Ava and Zsa Zsa, both of whom sought out rich men to marry. What shockers! The Kardashians make them look saintly.
I have been offered street-to-house waterline insurance, electrical line insurance, driveway insurance, lightning strike insurance, roof insurance, gutter insurance, fence insurance, and many more. I would be paying around $8,000 per year if I signed them all up.
People wait until the last minute to do their Christmas shopping because they choose to.
Retailers have jumped the gun! Now Black Friday is a two-week long event!
I sincerely hope the trade of Heyward will not turn out to be like all those '80s bust-trades that helped teams all over the league and didn't help Atlanta at all!
The Ford Sport Trac was a small truck that drove like a car, we still love it!
The DOT is working towards the west part of I-285. Thanks to them, I sat in traffic for almost 45 minutes Saturday night with two right lanes closed, a truck jack-knifed, and a car broken down in my lane. Thanks, DOT.
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