To the parent on TV complaining about being inconvenienced because Cobb extended a weather related late start to all day closure, you would also be the first one to complain if your kids got stuck at school. The school is not your day care nor is it about your convenience.
Congress is the biggest welfare program there is.
Sorry, Hollywood ladies, no sympathy here. If you don't think you're paid enough for a role, hold out for more or turn it down. But, please stop whining while the rest of us are struggling.
Taking insurance away from school bus drivers and school lunch room workers is just plain wrong and dumb.
The more I read about the DeKalb county commission members and the DeKalb county school board, the more I think the state needs to step in and force some ethics and audits. I hate the idea that I work and pay taxes so these guys can try to steal. Good job catching them!
The War on Drugs has worked so well that I can order heroin off of the internet and have it delivered to my door in two days, but a family seeking cannabis oil for their sick child is unable to legally get it. Nothing wrong there!
"Stuffed shirts" is kind. I have other names for Congressional members.
Women! Don't waste your money on any man! If he really loves you, he won't ask for money!
Bus drivers deserve insurance but the actual issue is that the school system should be paying the cost.
"Yes, that is my signature on that document and I have no idea how it got there. I must have been, uh, sleep signing documents. Yeah, that's the ticket!"
Show you care without actually doing anything. Create a hashtag!
We elect every member of Congress. If they stink, it is our fault. Why does anyone believe we will elect better ones with term limits?
Why do Atlantans buy eggs and bread when snow is in the forecast? I can see making sandwiches if you don't have power, but how are you going to cook the eggs? Do you eat them raw?
I'll bet the drug runners will really love this new Roadie app!
Ted Cruz seems to be against a lot of things. The only thing I can see that he is for is himself.
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