How can the Department of Defense process you into the military, train and deploy you to a combat zone in six months, but the VA takes over a year to process disability paperwork? Congress should have their pay and healthcare suspended until veterans receive the benefits they earned in combat!
The president gives up 5%, or 20k of his 400k salary as a token gesture. Giving up some of their million dollar plus vacations would be a better gesture.
As a sheet metal worker, I used geometry, algebra and trigonometry every day.
If you just figured out lobbyists shape our laws, where have you been for the last 50 years?
When they design the new stadium, it needs to be surrounded with an area that has hotels, restaurants and bars. If you're going to do it, do it right.
How much easier it is to be critical than to be correct?
If charter schools and private schools don't have to administer the same tests as traditional schools, how do we know which schools are best?
If Georgia has any Blue Dog Democrats, they are not only hiding in the woods, but hiding their blue dog votes as well.
If more guns are the answer to gun violence, I guess more nukes are the answer to nuclear conflict?
A DA with military experience, a gun, and a license to carry was unable to protect himself and his wife because the bad guys had semiautomatics. What does the NRA suggest we do instead?
Speaking of No Child Left Behind, wonder how many generations it will take to recover from GW Bush?
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