I'm all for good paying jobs! But in order to earn $15 an hour, you have to bring something to the table like education, work experience, etc.

RIP, Robin Williams. I will be more sensitive knowing many who appear so happy on the outside are so struggling on the inside.

You just can't fix "stupid".

You don't get any exercise sitting at a computer or texting. That's why kids are out of shape.

“Nanu, Nanu” RIP!

Given the intellectual prowess of our current middle schoolers, I'd say homework is a good investment.

To the City of Riverdale and their Board of Education: Your treatment of parents who want the best education for their children is disgusting. They have a right to expect a quality product. If you can't produce it, find a new job.

Seedless watermelons don't come close to the real thing when it comes to taste.

Is Wally World open? I'm needing some vacation too.

Hardee commercials are vulgar and tasty!!!

Several decades ago we went thru the same panic over a deadly disease coming out of Africa. Back then it was AIDS and we have survived that.

Hey, we've still got Alan Jackson if you love country … I do.

I was eating peanut butter, mayo, and banana sandwiches years before Elvis Presley was born.

A friend and I were talking about sticking our bubble gum on the headboard of the bed when we were kids. Sounds gross now, but we got exposed to germs and survived.