The big government takeover of luxury sports stadiums and parking lots was totally in the hands of politicians who oppose the government takeover of health care.
A flood of unforeseen revenue has reduced federal deficits to the lowest level of the president's tenure. If Congress acts, that trend will continue.
We think we are electing representatives and the politicians think they have been ordained as rulers. Our politicians need an attitude adjustment. All of us should do our best to give it to them in 2016.
Take the French train scenario and move it here. The four guys who took him down would have been arrested for violating the gunman's right to open carry in Georgia.
Somehow we have made our own stupidity everybody else's fault.
Shut businesses down that hire illegals. Arrest people who have guns illegally. Clear out the jails of marijuana smokers and other non-violent criminals and make room for those who hurt others.
Thanks for the young lady who stood during the entire O'Jays/Gladys Knight concert last night at Chastain. I paid good money to see them and not you with your drunken dancing.
Those who claim it was wrong for Jose Ramos to challenge Trump on immigration miss the point of the 1st Amendment.
When are our present politicians going to realize we are sick and tired of hearing what one can't do? Lead, follow or get out of the way!
For those who think Obama is a narcissist, what do you think The Donald is?
Help Congress help themselves and don't vote for an incumbent!
Why not prosecute those with unregistered guns to the maximum instead of attacking legally registered gun owners?
Yes, the president is responsible for bad conditions in every city so stop blaming the mayor, police, and governor! Remember that when the next president takes office!
Ramos should have been ejected and not permitted to return. He was out of line.
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