400 people die on a sinking ship in China. 10,000 people die in Nepal earthquake. Deadly crimes and murder up 30 percent in ten cities in America and all we can talk about is Bruce Jenner. They even want to give him an award for his bravery. This is what's wrong in America
I am so sick of hearing about "Caitlyn Jenner."
Creflo Dollar plans to acquire a $65 million plane. My religion taught me that the meek shall inherit the earth but obviously forgot to mention that the rich and powerful get to use it first.
I only have one question to ask the Duggars: If your child had been abused like your son did what would you really be saying? No holding hands till engaged etc. You really did nothing to protect your girls. You come across as really dumb and unconcerned.
How can you legalize something that is a right already. But as a gun owner and one who carries everyday I think this was a pointless thing to do. Airport carry had already been approved. Please stop giving him his 15 minutes of fame.
Arthur Ashe is spinning in his grave that a courage award named for him is going to Caitlyn Jenner.
If you give one dime to Creflo, I'm sorry but you are just an idiot.
When I saw the picture of Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner I had to laugh. If you really want to be a woman, wear a plain outfit at work all day, go home, change into jeans and a tee shirt and cook dinner and do the laundry and clean the bathroom and help the kids with their homework. That is the way real women live.
Creflo Dollar is a great example of why churches with more than 100 congregants should not be tax exempt.
I think people would be well served to watch the Andy Griffith show nightly and learn about good old-fashioned values!
Some people are upset that Ted Cruz mocked Joe Biden while Biden is mourning the loss of his son. Folks, do you really expect any better?
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