No longer teaching cursive in schools leads to this future vignette. Banker: "We'll need your signature on these four documents. Customer: "My what?"

Interesting you think Congress should ignore two groups, Tea Party and the NRA. I have a long list of groups, lobbyists and individuals they should ignore from both sides of the fence.

I'm over 60 years old and I say do away with Saturday delivery. All I need are my magazines!

For those of you caught in a petty dispute between your doctor and your insurance company, file a complaint with the Georgia Insurance Commissioners office.

I don't understand how anyone could stand next to an abandoned backpack and not be suspicious. I have been told for years that I'm too suspicious but I don't think so!

Universities need to change their business models or risk becoming irrelevant.

I visited two doctors recently in Europe. Their diagnostics and record-keeping were all electronic. Here, it's still all scribbled illegible notes and endless insurance paperwork.

A physician rides in every ambulance in France. Here EMTs aren't even allowed to carry tournequets.

Can someone give us a rational reason why Republicans oppose the closing of loopholes for criminals to buy guns without background checks??

The reason FOX News is #1 is because they don't report the news, they report propaganda. If they reported the news, none of their fans would watch.