23.6 billion in damages for a smoker? I’m sorry, but it has been years since the warnings came out. If you smoke, it is your choice to do so.
The problem with birth control is that the people who use it are the educated, intelligent people who make better parents. The lower level of society breeds like rabbits and soon there will be an even greater divide between upper and lower classes.
How will our society continue to function in harmony when we are raising an entire generation that watches reality shows on TV where every character believes the world revolves around them. Unfortunately, these are the only role models most young people have.
Listen, when the U.S. becomes weak in the world and recedes, bad guys will fill the void.
Parents either do not know about or care about the fact they only have the first 4-5 years to teach their children the standards they will live by for the rest of their lives.
How about the parents who do everything that’s humanly possible for their children and they still turn out bad?
Why would anyone want to vote for either one of those candidates for Senate?
What to expect AFTER Tuesday’s runoff: Silence!
Whoever chooses his/her candidates by whether or not the candidates use robocalls simply doesn’t vote. Besides, I’d rather have a robocall that I can hang up on than all the wasted paper on the glossy fliers I put directly into the recycle bin.
Let’s ban “Oh snap” in vents.
Every boy needs a strong male influence while growing up. I had such a male figure. Of course it ticked my father off a lot!
Whenever I am in Florida and I respond to someone with yes ma’am or yes sir, they act surprised at manners. I also do not like the response of ” no problem” instead of “you’re welcome” or “it was my pleasure.” But I am afraid Florida is too far gone to change now. Most people there are from northern states. All you hear is Yankee blabber. Nasal tone gibberish.
It is ALWAYS someone else’s fault. SUE THEM!
Why do many of my retiree friends now spend so much of their time (and money) drinking? It’s really a sad commentary on their lives.
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