Henry Ford said it best: "If you think you can be prosperous & happy letting the government take care of you, better take a close look at the American Indian."

Perhaps if parents placed as much emphasis on academia as they do football, this region of the country wouldn't be near last in education.

Our nation has gotten fat, dumb, and happy in the past 50 years. It will be a long climb back.

If it was as difficult to vote as it is to get a gun, Democrats would never win a national election.

A large-size combo at a McRestaurant costs about what the help makes in an hour. Boosting pay to $15 an hour would simply mean the worker wouldn't make $7 an hour - they'd be out of a $15 an hour job.

When professional football players refuse to let their kids play football, you know it's a dangerous sport.

Obama did the right thing in deciding not to pull the trigger yet.

Walmart employees on average earn way more than minimum wage. However, employees are surly because of the clientele they have to encounter on a daily basis.

If every dollar spent on wars for oil had been spent on solar and biochemical energy research, no one would care what was happening in the MiddleEast.

If we hate unions and think workers are lazy, why do we celebrate Labor Day?

Remember when Fox News justified the war in Iraq because Saddam gassed his own people? Assad is more dangerous and ruthless that Saddam ever was, but now they say it's none of our business?