We should offer people in need a helping hand but not a lifestyle.

When did this country change from one of hard work and self-reliance to one of entitlement and government welfare? When the politicians discovered the voters would vote for them if they promised free stuff.

So, here we go again with the threat of the government shutting down while Congress bickers about everything. These guys are just pathetic.

For the umpteenth time: The Republicans HAVE specific proposals to replace Obamacare, but Harry Reid will not allow them to be considered in the Senate. They had many ideas to offer when it was originally being drafted, but were totally ignored and shut out by the Democrats. Get your facts straight!

With all that's going on in the political theater, you still want government to have more control?

Some of the least educated people are the ones who think they know the most. They get their information from emails with crap information.

It's like people are proud that they're going to pay the penalty instead of purchasing health insurance. Please purchase at least a catastrophic plan so when you have an accident or heart attack the rest of us aren't stuck with your bill.

The pedestrians in this town have gone mad. They cross whenever, wherever, and however they want to cross, putting drivers in jeopardy and at risk for tickets.

Before I feel too sad about Rep. Gingrey being "stuck" making $173,000 a year, I have to know, does that figure include all of the bribes?