Miley, you don't look sexy with the twerking/tongue thing.

No amount of fines will stop texting and driving, but how about impounding their car for 14 days?

Best response from a DeKalb commissioner charged with white collar crime: Start paying me more, and I'll stop stealing the government's money.

How many of those slamming corporate CEOs for their high salaries and benefit packages patronize pro sports games, movies, theaters or concerts where the principles earn millions? Count even college football; those coaches earn a fortune.

Your car goes where you're looking, so stop rubbernecking at the guy changing the tire on the side of the road. You might save someone's life.

Who would have thought wigs would replace jewelry for most stolen items?

If Mayor Reed is correct on the amount of money the Falcons can pay for the south site church, why is he still involved in the negotiations?

Is there anything more pitiful than someone who says, "You're too old to do or wear that"? Quit trying to limit people's experiences and live your own life.

There sure are a lot of financial advisers in Vent Land.

The Middle East doesn't frack.

I hope you start watching television again before football season begins.

I'm old and I've never met anyone who wanted to sit home and get a government handout. Nobody wants to live on such a mere pittance and everyone wants to earn money. Where does this lunacy come from?

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