The unemployment rate going down does not mean the economy is improving. It just means the government's gotten better at manipulating numbers.
Of the 10 richest congressmen, eight are Democrats. What do you liberals think of that?
I didn't vote for Jimmy Carter, but I respect him. I still do. President Carter never looked us in the eye and lied to us to sell us on one of his ideas.
Republicans against civil rights? Have you forgetten about Lincoln? Ending slavery was the first step towards civil rights.
If you have a passion for your job, I applaud you, but don't be disappointed if it does not pay well.
Most people don't have the luxury of going to college just to learn. They need a degree in a field that's hiring.
Would the gay couple who was denied a wedding cake really trust a cake from that bakery now?
We all have at least one relative we'd like to disown.
Social media has guaranteed privacy will never happen. You and your life are now simply billboard signs lining the roadways.
Guess who people turn to for help first when they lose their jobs? Those librarians you so love to disparage.
The Chinese don't care about their pollution because it conflicts with their corporate manufacturing. Sounds kind of familiar, doesn't it?
Please make the rain stop!
Young people aren't interested in working in some corporate environments because they see how toxic it has been for their mostly absent, always working parents.
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