Nero fiddled while Rome burned. I guess playing golf is the modern day equivalent.

Sooo, the next time the IRS demands info from me, I can just tell them that my computer crashed? Or just take the 5th amendment, wait a year, and THEN tell them my computer crashed? “Great job, Lern-ie!”

If fast food restaurants are going to kick people out for being ugly there are going to be a lot of empty fast food restaurants.

Please learn to swim and teach your kids as young as possible.

Our vets shouldn’t have to wait for any benefits if they fought in a war. We need to take care of them no matter what!

Oh, hell no to DeKalb buying the YMCA. This is beyond your scope and mission. Take your social agenda and stick it where the sun don’t shine.

If you’re still not making a “living wage” after two or three years, it’s time for some introspection.

I worked full-time until I was age 77 and required open-heart surgery in December. I started walking up Stone Mountain this month and expect to be back at work in another few months. Some people are lazy!

To the jerk driving the Mercedes in the East Lake Kroger parking lot, you were driving the wrong way down the aisle and you were blocking the “pregnant lady” spot, that I, a pregnant lady, was trying to park in. Thanks for not turning the other direction and allowing me to park in that spot. Your mom must be so proud.

Highways are not getting any bigger but the number of cars and trucks is growing like crazy. Soon everywhere will be a parking lot.

I hope you STOP at stop lights and signs! not hesitate!

No one should be surprised that Sneiderman is being released early. If you are surprised you must be new to Georgia.

Keep your bikes off the main roads. Didn’t your mother ever tell you to keep your toys in the yard?

Does anyone else find those cannibalistic little breakfast cereal squares creepy?

If you find ever more reasons to punish people, soon our whole GDP will be dedicated to taking care of prisons and prisoners.

Hmmm… got rid of my ‘loser husband’ and my idiot boyfriend in less than four years, including the trial and jail time. Also got to be on TV a bunch and practice my acting/crying skills. Not bad!

Starbucks will pay two years of an online school tuition for its employees. Translation, coffee is going up, and wages will be going down. Send in the perks. The worthless perks.

TEAM awareness is what makes soccer so much better than ALL other sports. When a player scores a goal, the whole team cries and hugs as tho they have saved each and ever players life on the team for a moment in time!

NOOOOOOOOOOO! You can’t cancel “Honey Boo Boo.” It’s as much a true reflection on Georgia as “The Real Housewives of Atlanta” is.