Yes, you have to pay for your own health care instead of freeloading off of the rest of us.

In America today, whatever the government does is legal. Only us commoners can be prosecuted for crime.

I would suggest you become concerned before it's too late…

I would like our country be able to take care of its own problems before it tells other countries what to do. Do as I say not as I do does not always work.

According to the BMI, I am at an ideal weight, but I know without a doubt that I should not wear spandex.

When the leader of the free world has no integrity, neither will its citizens. Get ahead by any means possible even if you have to lie.

Note to self: When shaking hands with Russian President Putin, be sure to check your ring finger afterwards!

Kanye West says "This isn't America's baby." Seriously? Does he know who his baby mama is??

We have money for wars because people can make money. Can't do that with Social Security or education.

Going to jail for not having health insurance? Taking away your guns? Your Bibles? The Vent "crazies" sure came out this weekend!

Arrogance is not that we demand we speak English in America but the fact we demand people speak it in other countries as well.

Name one useful comment or idea Sarah Palin has uttered - I RESIGN!

I can see why the gullible might fall for "they want your guns" scare tactics of anti-government extremists, but why would anyone think they want to take our Bibles?