God bless those 19 brave firefighters in Arizona and their families - Heaven holds a special place.
Good luck getting stores to remove DVDs and CDs that contain derogatory and racist words. There are different sets of rules when the pot calls the kettle black.
If you think overspending is a purely Democrat or Republican problem, you haven't looked at the last 50 years of congressional budgets!
When will people figure out it isn't safe to meet a total stranger in a parking lot to complete an online sales transaction?
I just don't get this Miley Cyrus thing.
To all drivers heading out onto all the interstates this holiday week: Please slow down and stop texting at the wheel.
"Beware the greedy hand of government, thrusting itself into every corner and crevice of industry." -- Thomas Paine
Obama is good at emphasizing social issues, but we need a president who is great at leading.
There certainly was a government during the Middle and Dark ages. It was called the Holy Roman Empire.
Who's paying for this Snowden guy to buy all these airline tickets, food, etc.? If he has a credit card, can't Uncle Sam just cancel it? If someone else is paying, they can also be shut down.
If the GOP isn't wasting our tax dollars, why are we subsidizing the oil industry and buying military jets the Pentagon doesn't want? Are you gonna blame that on the Dems?
On Saturday, my vent was voted to the top! Now who would have thought that a Democrat could ever achieve this, Red Georgia?!
» NEED TO VENT? Sound off here.