Senators and congressmen should be required to wear NASCAR-type suits that display their sponsors!
Creating more government jobs does NOT help the economy.
If prescription drugs, medications and medical devices couldn't advertise and their companies couldn't make political contributions, their costs would be cheaper!
Humans do not understand history or we would not be in this mess.
A part-time job is still better than no job, and sometimes leads to a full-time job or other opportunities.
Rest assured all ISMs (racism, agism, sexism, elitism) are alive and well in the world.
The Daily Show does interviews and allows people to look like fools. Seeing is believing.
As much time as I spend in home improvement stores, you would think someone from DIY would volunteer to re-do part of my house!
Did anyone in Georgia ever take science or did we just learn to belittle the science that disagrees with our political views?
Equality under the law is not "political correctness" and it trumps your definition of "morality" any day.
Why is it ok to spend endless amounts of money on constant warfare instead of healthcare? What would Jesus do?
Why do conservatives never complain about corporate welfare and billions to big farmers, but resent feeding a hungry child?
Deal and the GOP are trying to reach out to minorities, women and students but doing everything possible to disenfranchise their right to vote!
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