Want your child to learn in school? It's real easy: Take away their cell phone. No distractions.

No city is safe. It's up to you to quit being an easy target, walking around with your head down looking at your phone.

What's happened to gas prices in Georgia? Has a new gas tax gone into effect and we weren't told about it?

Police officers are abusing their search and seizure power, becoming pirates with badges to confiscate money and property from law abiding citizens uninvolved in the drug trafficking they are presumably stopping. Where's the oversight? Where's the common sense?

I agree that Cobb County and others need sidewalks, but can we at least please get some address numbers prominently displayed to help avoid accidents and help people find places?

I'm concerned about the self-radicalized threat. From listening to the Sunday talk shows, I'm more concerned about self-radicalized congressman.

So they had to make us users of MapQuest Classic, which I loved, use the new "improved" MapQuest., which I hate. What would have been wrong with continuing to offer the superior older product?

The post office can go to once a week delivery as far as I'm concerned. All I ever get is bills and junk mail. Email has replaced letter writing.

I am confused. Am I supposed to buy a Geico insurance policy to cover my damages if a deranged basketball player suddenly appears and starts slapping things out of my hands?

Vent all you want, but at the end of the day... you still haven't changed the world.

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