When you draw a red line you learn two lessons: First, you must never back down from any step over, and second, be more careful where you draw red lines.

The federal government is willing to give you a free phone with 200 free minutes for emergency purposes. What kind of emergency would you have that would require you to talk that long?

Another Henry Ford quote: "Low wages are like using low grade material -- the waste makes it very expensive in the end. There is no economy in cheap labor or cheap materials."

I bet those guys in Norway are trying to figure out how to get back those tax-free million dollars and that undeserved Nobel Peace Prize from that cowboy in Washington D.C. by way of Chicago.

Used to be gunshots were noteworthy. Now they are commonplace.

I think the best politician is half-Repub and half-Demo, with a pinch of Independent.

Today I am not doing anything!

Customers who always want to pay less, less, less do tend to be a surly lot.

I wish all of our leaders had to sing, "Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me."

As long as corporate profits matter more than our health, the country will stay a mess.

Face it. Nothing this president does will meet with the approval of Republicans in Congress.

I love how all these people with no economics training or education know what will happen if the minimum wage rises.

Interesting article in the AJC today. So we have low paying jobs and high paying jobs. What happened to the middle class? Unregulated capitalism doesn't work so well for the most of us.

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