So the Pope is in Israel with an Imam and a Rabbi. If they don’t walk into a bar, it’s all been for nothing.
Aren’t bicyclists required to stop at stop lights like the rest of the traffic? I saw 4 bicyclists run lights just today.
When Kim and Kayne save those missing girls in Africa or personally work at a disaster relief, then I’ll read about them.
Child abuse will decrease when women realize getting pregnant will not keep a guy in your life. And when “men” take responsibility for the child. Both can get angry and beat the child, like it was the child’s fault for being born.
How many Kardashians are there? Either the same one is getting divorced and remarried every month or there are dozens of them. Bizarre.
Cheeky and menacing do not equal talent. Those two are about as talentless as any couple on the planet.
The Cobb County Commission needs to be investigated. No transparency. No letting the residents voice their opinion. I’m afraid that the residents of Cobb have been sucker-punched.
And you thought traffic was bad in the Cumberland-Galleria area. Just wait till the Braves move into the neighborhood!
When a person decides to take another person’s life, the only way to stop him or her is to lock them away from society.
One thing about it — I’m on my way to a world where there will be no liars and no lies. I am past tired of listening to those who can’t seem to tell the truth.
Call me an old-fashioned fool but I still believe what God said about a burning lake of fire prepared for the Devil and his angels.
Where do TV game shows come up with all those dumb contestants?
Hall County doubles taxes on those who held on through a dry lake so developers and the powerful can get the locations. Now there is water again.
The Cobb County Commissioners make the Gwinnett County Commissioners look like angels. So glad I don’t live in Cobb.
You may get away with shaking your fist at God until you draw your last breath but what then?
Why would anyone give Jim Carrey an honorary doctorate? The guy's an idiot who knows nothing about comedy except what he steals from other, actually funny people.
I don’t like drivers taking my front bumper off when they pull in front of me either. But you should talk to your state legislators about that. According to the officers to whom I’ve spoken, the law is rather vague on how much room to leave when pulling in front of a vehicle.
States are having trouble getting drugs to carry out capital punishment. Return to the firing squad. Then that method will be outlawed and we can rid our society of guns and bullets.
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