Parenting matters. Manners matter. Self-reliance matters.
So Hobby Lobby will pay for 16 out of 20 forms of birth control and this is somehow just the end of the world because they won’t pay for the other four?
So, Hobby Lobby hater. You don’t shop at ANY business that isn’t in lock step with your bizarre ideology?
… and I am sure that Hobby Lobby will miss you.
Life is so uncertain, we could be gone in an instant. Always eat your dessert first just in case.
When a candidate’s only platform is a recording of someone impersonating the president, I will never give him my vote. It speaks volumes about him. Voters are not impressed.
If you have to ask which truck is manly, you don’t qualify to own one.
I don’t have Prius envy. I just get sick of the smugness of the Prius owners, especially when my diesel is getting far better gas mileage.
Go, 77-year-old vet in pushup competition with younger guys in Ukraine public square. 77 is the new 40.
In an age of sound bites, a ruling by SCOTUS in favor of Hobby Lobby is not a ruling against Obamacare. Read the opinion or, better yet, a newspaper to realize that it applies to only companies that are owned by a family. Big corporations are unaffected.
Thanks to Georgia Public Broadcasting, we’ve now lost one of the few local radio stations not run by big conglomerates hundreds of miles away. Thanks for nothing, GPB.
After watching the new APD video, they might want to re-title it “FAT & HAPPY.”
If we’re being equal, laws on men’s reproduction would only cover who pays for the meds or procedures.
There was a time in my life when I abused recreational drugs. But never, ever did I ever do experiments with them. I don’t even know what that is. But I sure hear it a lot.
My religion opposes murder. Can I not pay taxes to fund the war in Iraq?
OK, we did well. Now let’s see if people take time off from work to watch a soccer game.
Get a Jeep Wrangler. Then accessorize it with big tires, step sides and tube bumpers.
Let the madness reign! Guns, guns everywhere! Let’s shoot-em-up as per Gov. Deal and legislators. I believe in the 2nd Amendment, but come on!
I was just up north on vacation. Folks are just laughing at us because of this new gun law.
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