Only the medical profession can charge for their service without you having any say so ahead of time. Insurance companies adjust the bills, but you're stuck with that adjusted balance if you've got a deductible. Prices should be posted like in a store so I can decide if I can afford the doctor.

God bless the people of Boston.

The economy is still bad yet colleges want to raise tuition! I haven't had a raise in over 4 years!

I will always remember as spectators ran from the scene of the Boston bombing, American heroes were running into it.

People who constantly use their cell phone confuse their own insecurity with their importance.

Fox news does not have self proclaimed socialists reporting the news.. that is why they are # 1.

I don't know which is more tiresome, the green gecko or the red and white Flo.

Over 40s on Saturday mail delivery: "Oh, No! It'll destroy our way of life!" Under 40s: "There's still mail delivery?"

Welcome to the world of investing in Gold: Down 9% yesterday.

After a long and arduous day during the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln uttered these famous words, " I'm tired and I am going to bed."

Replace our current congress, both Democrats & Republicans, and ignore the Tea Party & the NRA. People, start getting informed but not by Radio Talk Show Hosts who are not informed & only care about ratings.

All I have to say about, "Fair and Balanced," is: If you have to say it, … .