Why does it take 3 months or more for a judge to sentence a person who's been found guilty?
Every time I see Anthony Weiner on TV, I feel like I need to go take a shower. Please stop putting him on TV or give us a warning.
Is anybody else sick of the Andrea Sneiderman trial?
It should be illegal to name a street, road or highway after a politician. Oh, that's right, they make the laws!
Of course, the GOP is the party of NO. Someone has to be fiscally responsible.
There's a hot sauce called "Insanity." Put that on your desk, sit back and enjoy the fun. You'll know the takers immediately.
I, too, love my neighbors. Peaceful, clean, safe!
My grandfather lived to be 95 in great health without national healthcare.
You're worried about golf coverage on TV? Watching paint dry is more exciting.
School has started! Now my gym changes from a place for children to a place for adults that allows children.
Opinions flavored with a bit of humor require real wit, so please try. Otherwise, who cares?
The meteor showers peaked over the weekend this year. What school are your kids in that have Saturday and Sunday classes?
If public schools are failing, perhaps we should have teacher accountability. Where do teacher unions stands on this?
When 97% of scientists warn us about climate change, but big oil, agriculture, chemical companies, etc., say they're wrong who should we believe? Hint: follow the money.
I'll raise my own child. I just want the village to pay the bills.
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