Insurance companies have the gall to question physicians about medications they prescribe! What kind of medical background do insurance employees have?
Most congressionial members are rich and if they aren't when they enter Congress, they will be soon.
Democrats put Social Security back into the General Fund and started taxing SS benefits.
Obama is taking selfies and sending them out and why would that surprise you? He is his own hero.
Putting glue on a toilet seat in a public restroom is a new low. Do they know about karma?
Freedom doesn't mean anarchy. Just because you have a right doesn't mean I have to suffer for it.
Does Grady Hospital have to run commercials? How does that truly help their bottom line?
Put the peach back in the Peach Bowl!
Colleges and universities usually require core curriculum to ensure a well-rounded education.
Jimmy Carter was too nice and to be President.
Jimmy Carter never made secret deals with terrorists like Iran-Contra.
Republicans weren't actually conservatives till they merged with the Dixiecrats. Before that they were "evil" liberals.
If Republicans are for freedom, why do they keep trying to take it away?
The NRA is a bunch of cowards; they're afraid to face life without being armed to the teeth.
Carrie Underwood, people are criticized everyday in all professions and we live in a time when people can let the world know their feelings. Grow up, get over and enjoy your fabulous life.
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