Blaming the TEA Party for our current financial crisis is like blaming a fire alarm for a building fire!
The real problems in Congress are Pelosi and Reid. Those two should be tried for treason!
What goes around comes around and I hope it comes back to Congress and all elected officials soon!
The President shutdown the commissary at Andrews AFB, but kept the golf course open so he can still play golf.
Smart phones are too much for me. I would love to have one that just has good common sense.
The Falcons abysmal record is a curse of the new stadium; build it and they won't come.
Meals on Wheels being cut? Come on people!!!
It's a "water heater", not a "hot water heater". Why would you need to heat water that is already hot?
To those of you who say the earth is only 6,000 years old…go back to school!
My squirrels are so used to getting their free peanuts, now they want French manicures.
We celebrate Columbus Day because he was the first EUROPEAN to get here? Let's add that he was "lost" when he "found" America.
Mr. Speaker, do your job. Demanding a ransom to do what you are paid to do is cowardly.
If Republicans can hold US budget hostage to get rid of ACA, what's coming next? Abortion rights? The entire Civil Rights Act? Who can vote? It's a very slippery slope.
If you are depressed, you're living in the past. If you are anxious, you're living in the future. If you are at peace, you're living in the present. Lao Tzu
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