Can we just pass a law that bans Mayor Bloomberg from passing anymore stupid laws?

Those of us who already take responsibility for our actions don't have the time to judge or belittle people. We're too busy taking care of ourselves!

Bank giant HSBC fined 2 billion for laundering money for drug lords. But instead of it coming out of shareholder profits, they decided to cut 10,000 jobs to cover the shortfall. Another case of Wall Street ripping off Main Street.

I used to make minimum wage and vote Democrat until a Republican at our church gave me a good job with health insurance and a tuition refund benefit. Then I was able to afford a college education and am now a VP of that company.

Senators Warren and Harkin want a $22.00 minimun wage. Just think how many businesses will go out of business because no one will be able to buy their product.

Since the GA Legislature will not allow an additional county to be added to the state, let North Fulton merge with Forsyth County. Both areas have the similar needs and their taxes are much lower.

The two biggest topics at the GA Legislature this year are guns and ethics. Why am I not surprised it's more guns and less ethics rather than the other way around?

I bet if you asked Northerners to spell the word "criticism" they would not fare much better than we Southerners!

All the American Dreamers must have missed the History Channel's "The Men Who Built America". They all died bitter unhappy old men.