"When you are out of money, you stop spending", does not apply when you're spending other people's money. Just ask any politician.

You do not deserve something just because somebody on a TV commercial says you do.

Nancy Pelosi said Obama has done what he said he would do and that was cut the deficit in half. He did this in only 4 1/2 years. Say what!

Forget the rocking chair for Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi; a muzzle would be much more appropriate.

John McCain needs a rocking chair, too.

Where should we stand to avoid being trampled by the hordes of currently uninsured people rushing to sign up for health insurance policies costing them $2000-3000 so that they can avoid having to pay that $95 penalty?

When my mama said "Wait till your father gets home", I hid.

Obama holding talks with Putin and Rouhani - why does this give me a mental image of two wolves and a sheep meeting to discuss dinner plans?

I do ten sit-ups every morning, and if I'm still alive, I go eat breakfast.

Lots of us know what Obamacare will mean for them. We don't need a single source (governor, insurance commissioner) to tell us. We've been reading and researching.

If you can prove to me that you're never going to get sick in the future, then I would say you can opt out of paying for your own health insurance.

Polls show majority do not want defunding of Obamacare if it means shutting down government. Congress, are you listening?