With all the people complaining about the politicians, economy, jobs, pay, insurance and so on, could you please remember that the imbedded politicians are the ones who own this mess. Vote them out.
Congratulations Mayor Daddy! Another fine example of what ails Atlanta.
Just back from a middle school play in Paulding County. Kids were great, but the parents were incredibly rude. Talking loudly, laughing, ignoring the actual entertainment and so on. Idiots.
I love it when I have a tailgater —- I just narrowly miss one of the many potholes that they can’t possibly see because they are following too close. Surprise, surprise.
Why don’t the police ever arrest these mobs that beat up people? They are such cowards that they have to get 200 together to beat one man. Then if you do arrest one by himself he covers his face from the cameras. Reverse descrimination. Own up to it at least.
I wish someone at GM would go to jail. I’m sick of these car companies putting money over the safety of their customers.
So if a guy gives a candidate a million dollars, do you think he’ll listen to YOU or the million dollar donor? Seriously. Would he even grant you an audience or listen to a phone call? Think about it.
It is time that the MAJORITY tell the minority views to sit down and shut up!
I have been a private pilot for forty years. I can fly to another city more relaxed for three hundred miles or more than I can for ten miles on the Atlanta expressway system. And, in about the same time.
I just can not believe that lawyers are running ads suggesting that people with marital problems come to them for a divorce.
Simmer down Francis, no one is going to shave off your ugly beard as that is probably the least of your worries.
If the only reason you voted for Governor Deal was so that he would get rid of the GA 400 tolls, then you are a complete idiot and your voting rights should be rescinded!
To the Venter who had the soda swiped at work.. What are we having tomorrow?
If you’re no longer proud of Atlanta, you’re free to flee!
People say things about non-Catholic preachers living large all the time. Shut up.
At least, for now, Mississippi looks just a tiny more stupid than Georgia. But time and the politics of hate can quickly erase that lead.
Palin campaigns for Handel? I will now vote for Perdue, for sure.
If you’re no longer proud of Atlanta and just want to move, please do so. You’re part of the problem, not the solution.
The only reason I’m “riding your bumper” is because I haven’t found a way around you yet. But I am working on it!
So the GA 400 tolls helped to fund a lot of highway projects without raising our taxes to pay for it. So why is it good that the toll has now ceased to exist?
Blame Duck Dynasty for the scraggly beard look. Louisiana rednecks
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