To all you Facebook venters, do as I do: Stop wasting time on Facebook.

Is it me, or is the severe weather alert sound on WSB radio like fingernails on a chalkboard?

Lord have mercy!! There is really a show on TV called "Pregnant and Dating"?!!!

Life is 10% what you make it, and 90% how you take it. This statement is why most people fail. Reverse it.

My doctor is no longer accepting insurance of any kind. He said he has to save his practice.

People, a roundabout is not that complicated. Go if it is safe, otherwise wait -- that is what yield means. Of course 90% of drivers were never taught what yield means with No Child Left Behind.

New York collects $1.8M in parking violations from UPS and Atlanta collects nothing. I wondered why the beer trucks get away with blocking Piedmont Ave. in front of Smith's Old Bar.

Can't help but wonder if Mexico's holding of Arizona resident Yanira Maldonado is in retaliation of Arizona's tougher immigration laws.

I suggest a new TV show named Teachers Gone Wild based on the newspaper stories of their inappropriate behavior towards students.

I just lost my appetite for pork.

Sear Middle School Parents, if your middle schooler is on a three-man team, then expect less learning. These teams are created to avoid hiring a Social Studies teacher, but still have the same number of students as a four-man team. Overcrowding is not conducive to learning!

Edward Eliot Kramer has to be one of the most despicable human beings alive.

» NEED TO VENT? Sound off here.