I can’t name the Canadian president and no one else can either. Canada doesn’t have a president. Who’s the ignorant one now?
Hillary misspoke about being ‘dead broke’. She should have said ‘morally bankrupt’.
We need to let those people in Iraq, Afghanistan and all the others deal with their own issues. We have to many here that need our attention. We are tired of losing lives, limbs and money for nothing.
If I’m waiting until it is safe to turn at a stop sign or traffic signal, don’t sit behind me an honk. It is my life, and I won’t risk it for your impatience!
When we go to war with a country we ought to just crush them and let THEM figure out how to rebuild their OWN country,
There you go, shooting your Vent off without checking your facts. Canada does not have a president. In fact, they have a prime minister and his name is Mr. Harper. Geeze.
Hey, MARTA? I’m kind of on the side of Loren Hooks who tossed the guy off the train. If the old guy thinks he’s “young” enough to say derogatory things towards women, then he’s “young” enough to get his butt tossed off a train.
If bicyclists aren’t going to obey the law, then law enforcement should be writing tickets!
Can you crazy people please just commit suicide the old fashioned way, in private, in your home? We’re tired of your shenanigans that hurt other people.
Maybe if the senators had been less concerned about name of a football team, the VA nor trading terrorists wouldn’t be so botched.
Far too many people (not just “women of a certain age”) get married for the wrong reasons, including not wanting to be alone. Learn to be alone, people! It’s good for you.
Mr. President, please stay out of Iraq.
I work in a hospital, and I’m really over all the drama that people bring. Leave the drama outside so that the patients can heal and go home.
Pro tip: if you want to drive like a jerk, don’t put your ham-radio operator ID on your license plate, Roy.
I bet the Vent Guy got so many vents about how foolish George Bush looked in that parachute get-up that he’s going to publish them on the page with the comics where they belong.
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