Does anyone really care about Kim & Kanye?
Shouldn't we be concerned about the 90 million Americans who are unemployed? How did this get so out of control?
The President and Democrats own Obamacare. Don't come crying to Republicans!
Progressive can give you multiple quotes on car insurance in minutes, but Obamacare is unable to provide an accurate quote after three weeks? How can people still think that the government is better than big business?
Obamacare is not coverage for all Americans; it is for control of all Americans.
Kennedy cousin wins a new trial. The judge who granted it was on his new yacht, and could not be reached for further comment.
Why is everyone afraid to tell the President bad news? No one ever gets fired in this administration.
My boss asked me why I wasted so much time at work. I told him that I was practicing for my next job as a congressman.
Arrogance can be deadly. Many Democrats need to remember that.
Bonny Prince George of England looks like his father as a baby—beautiful.
If young people are on their parents' insurance, they don't have to sign up for Obamacare. Don't be uninformed!
Charity begins wherever it is needed.
Why are Republicans so outraged that people are having a hard time signing up for Obamacare?
The top venters have completely rewritten the history of the Bush administration.
It took two years to get the computer system working for Medicare but it has been well worth it. It's a great program. Thank you, Democrats.
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