Republicans and Democrats are too inept and corrupt to run this country.
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington was obviously fiction; he cared about his constituents, was awed by his heritage, and he was honest. Can't think of a single politian today that can do 1 out of 3.
UPS isn't going to cover spouses on health insurance. How much more of the healthcare and insurance market must Obamacare destroy before it is finally repealed?
We continue to tolerate having our health insurance tied to our employer because we pay far less from having a pool of employees. Ever looked at the price of a health insurance policy on your own?
What do you bet US taxpayers end up paying for Bradley Manning's sex change?
Where does the money come from to aid other countries? Taxes on small business owners who don't have corporate loopholes to write off.
A teacher told her studnets at McNair "someone is trying to murder us!" What was she thinking?
You used to be innocent until proven guilty. Now you are innocent even if you plead guilty.
Why should churches be exempt from taxes? They operate like a business so they should be taxed like a business.
I've been saying our country was going to implode. Watching all these sinkholes swallowing up homes, fields, swamps, etc. I guess I was right!
How come all liberal vents wind up down at the bottom? I thought the hard-working GOP folks would be too busy paying taxes to spend time voting on a vent.
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