I just had a neighbor cited for letting her dog bark day and night, knowing it upsets her neighbors no end. I do not blame the poor dog. Some people just have no business with anything but a pet rock.

If colleges/NLRB vote to allow athletes to unionize, make the players pay tuition.

Oh, we teach the difference between your and you're, but the kids don't bother with learning such old-fashioned stuff.

Listen, the Atlanta Archbishop is just pissed/ticked that everyone caught on to his moving into a multi-million dollar mansion. He isn't sorry about anything he's done — just that he got caught!

How about spending a lot less on church buildings, clergy, and administration and a lot more on the poor? Everyone's more interested in power and comfort than living the Gospel.

Will that little spinning circle on the computer screen spin the other way south of the equator? Just wondering

I agree 100% with the vent about not voting for ANY incumbent. And it will take a couple of years before the new office holders to get as bad as the present incumbents, then at then when the next election happens, we will check their record and vote accordingly.

If you ever feel like no one cares if you live of die, try missing a few car payments.

Tailgaters are bullies.

The beard came out in the 70s? Maybe you should go look at photographs of Civil War generals.

There are always movies I want to see. Then I check who is in them. If it's a far left liberal that despises the way I live my life I pass on making them any money.

When Nathan Deal had the congressional ethics committee after him, he left congress. Now, as governor, he can just pull the strings to remove any ethics committee investigators. "Always one step ahead of the ethics committee".

Yes, Young people vote. Vote for those who will allow you to work and succeed and not make you a serf of the government and burdened by taxes and debt. Vote Libertarian!

Do you like to drive like an idiot? You know! Speed, weave in and out and not use turn signals? Come to Johnson Ferry Road in East Cobb. You'll love it. And no cops will ever bother you.

If more people loved their dogs like they love their children, there would be fewer dogs turned into shelters and euthanized.

Will someone please explain why this family can't watch the Braves on Dish. We've been with them 13 years. And who is carrying the Braves games?

How many of you dumbos think that really is Obama in Jack Kingston's ad? I know it's conceded that all politicians are liars, but there really should be a low bar limit to keep these yahoos from trying to fool the idiots amongst us.

Step 1 in my recovery; I admit I am powerless against those crinkle-cut, fried in avocado oil potato chips.

I watched the Braves play Friday. I didn't know Walgreen had a major league ball club.

Thumbs up! Thumbs down! Nominate for Best of the Vent Score: 0

Please Venters, I beg of you. Can we not use the phrase "you are part of the problem" anymore.

People who vent should clean their own back yard first because only God can judge

For those who think your and you're mistakes are a sign of illiteracy - you don't have an iPad which likes to "correct" spelling.

Paula has done it again. Imagine being a worker, showing up for your job only to get a severance check from "Uncle Bubba"!! She makes me SICK!!