Ariel Castro kept those ladies in captivity for ten years, yet he couldn't bear captivity more than one month in prison. Coward.

Miley Cyrus has given trailer trash a bad name!

There will always be some people more successful than others. We should try to make sure all get a chance to succeed with a good education. After that, it is up to them.

Women always say they want a real man, but I see them with painted faces, fake nails, fake eye lashes, weave, and wigs.

Is there any intelligent life left in Washington? When will we ever learn not to try to intervene in a fight between two bullies. What is the purpose of being in the UN if we ignore them?

Give someone a bit of your heart instead of a piece of your mind!

Where are the "stars" on "Dancing with the Stars"?

After reading Wednesday's vents I'm convinced a lot of people must be on vacation. This was the best you could pick?

Americans seem like the most fickle people in the world.

Joe Beasley sounds like another Herman Cain.

Leasing a luxury vehicle doesn't always mean you are living beyond your means because you can prepay. It often means you want a new car every two or three years.

We can't wait for proof in Syria. We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.

Days on vacation: FDR (12 years): 958 days, Johnson: 484, Reagan: 335, Eisenhower: 456. President Bush spent 1020 days on vacation (more than Kennedy's whole presidential term). And you complain about Obama?