The "Great Tree" is artificial? The whole thing became artificial when Rich's was bought out and the beautiful community ceremony with local choirs downtown became the gaudy commercial production we have now.

Mayor Reed shouldn't read too much into his reelection. In 2009, 84,000+ people voted; less than half of that voted this time. He got fewer votes this time than in 2009.

I blame everyone who purchased a toll pass for the HOT lanes. If no one participated, they'd get rid of it.

Did the NSA tell the Vent person not to publish any of the timely, astute and witty vents coming from my email address?

Responsible corporations introduce wellness programs to reduce healthcare costs — not cancel coverage for their employees. For shame!

Herman Cain has invited Jon Huntsman on a hunting trip with his old pal, Dick Cheney.

A huge thank you to the voters of the City of Marietta for passing the bond referendum so they can clean up that crime ridden slum on Franklin Road.

When Rand Paul was asked about accusations of plagiarism, he said: "I have but one life to give for my country." When the reporter stuck the mic closer, Rand said: "Make my day, Punk." Upon leaving, he said: "I'll be back."

The government should not mandate anything only be available via the internet if free access to the internet is not readily accessible to all.

The true fraud in the food stamps program is that conservatives have you believing there is significant fraud in the food stamp program.

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