What's more beautiful than arms and legs covered with tattoos? Arms and legs without tattoos.

With all the murders that have occurred between races this year, why is Zimmerman-Martin the only one in the news?

Please let Justin Bieber know his 15 minutes of fame are up…

Darwin's Law is undefeated, but fools challenge it every day.

Climate change may be happening, or maybe it's normal weather cycles. But you'd have to be an idiot to think pumping tons of poisonous gases into the atmosphere doesn't create some type of negative change!

Foreign airline pilots are not required to take drug tests? I don't know about you, but I have taken my last flight on a foreign airline.

Jenny McCarthy for Joy Behar. That's a great trade any way you look at it.

Remember the Pinto fuel tank? The fertilizer plant in West, Texas? The sugar refinery in south Georgia? Don't hurt people and there will be nothing to sue you for!

Why do so many blame Obama for not trying to be the world's emperor? Those are sovereign nations in which some folks think we should meddle.

The Texas House passed a law limiting abortion. Are they now going to come up with money to feed, clothe, house and educate the lives they save or will they leave the responsibility part for others?

Businesses send good paying jobs overseas and President Obama is the one blamed for not creating more jobs.

Republicans have voted 37 times to repeal Obamacare, yet have requested funds in many states. Hypocrites!

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