The problem with discipline in schools isn't the teachers, but the policies of the school boards combined with parents not instilling respect for one's elders in their children.
Rule # 1: You can't negotiate with anyone who is willing to die in order to kill you.
Please spay/neuter your companion animals. Go to your local shelter and see the conditions that these precious animals live in before they are led to "the room" and killed. They know about "the room" because they smell and hear better than we do. There will never be enough homes for all of the puppies and kittens born. Save lives -- spay/neuter!
Please don't wave me through a 4-way stop so you can sit there and continue your phone conversation. Pull over somewhere AWAY from the intersection and do your business!
Drink all you want. Just don't drive.
Heard the IRS is getting sued. Wow! How did that Dylan tune go? How does it feel?
If you think the US is worst in the poverty rate, you must only be comparing us to Monaco, Lichtenstein and Vatican City.
Don't compare one state's price of gasoline to another. Georgia's total tax rate on gasoline is 28.5%, South Carolina's is 16.8%. NY's and California's hover around 50%, which is why you always hear of higher pump prices than ours.
Facebook has revealed how most Americans are horrible spellers and have no sense of basic grammar rules. When I read my timeline, I am sickened at how some people express themselves.
Life is 10% what you make it, and 90% how you take it.
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